Frequently Asked Questions

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RejuvaSeal® Asphalt Rejuvenator – FAQs
The following are some of most commonly asked questions about RejuvaSeal. Have a question not listed here? Email us here or call (512) 295-1166 and we will glady answer any questions you may have.
How does RejuvaSeal differ from a slurry seal?
The difference between RejuvaSeal and slurry seals is very simple. Slurry seals do not penetrate the asphalt binder, were RejuvaSeal penetrates up to 3/8 of an inch. Slurry seals are an emulsion and RejuvaSeal is a complex hydrocarbon mixture and contains no water. Slurry seals protect the surface of the asphalt binder were RejuvaSeal protects, rejuvenates and replenishes the natural oils lost through the oxidation process.
How does RejuvaSeal compare with other rejuvenators?
Typically all rejuvenators are of a basic design mix; the difference with RejuvaSeal is that we use the highest grades of raw stock materials to manufacture. Many manufacturers us the cheapest materials available to meet the specification, RejuvaSeal does not.
How long does RejuvaSeal extend the life of my asphalt?
On average 3-5 years, if RejuvaSeal is applied every 3-4 years or as needed, Rejuvaseal could extend the life of your asphalt indefinitely.
How often should RejuvaSeal be applied?
It is recommended to be re-applied every 3-4 years after the initial application or as needed, weather factors and seasonal temperatures will dictate this.
Should crack sealing be done before or after application of RejuvaSeal?
The recommendation is to crack seal after the application of RejuvaSeal. All the crack prep, vegetation removal, routing and cleaning of the cracks should be done prior to the application. The main reason is because the Rejuvaseal application creates a clear and fresh bonding surface for the crack seal.
What are some of the prep items that must be performed before applying RejuvaSeal?
All the dust, dirt, debris, vegetation and moister must be removed from the asphalt binder. The area can be washed with high pressure water and let dry for 24 hours after. The recommended process is high pressure air verses water for obvious reasons.
What must the ground temperature be for applying RejuvaSeal?
The ambient surface temperature must be at least 50% F and rising. This should be checked with in inferred temperature gun in multiple locations prior to the starting of the application.
Why do you test each batch?
Each batch manufactured is independently tested through a third party lab to insure that the material meets the EB-44B specifications set forth by the FAA. The actual test requirements are located on the RejuvaSeal Material Certification document located on this site.
How long does RejuvaSeal take to dry?
The cure time of RejuvaSeal depends on a number of external factors, ambient surface temperature, air temperature, application rate, humidity, and so on. On an average, sunny, 85 degree day, with a light wind and a lower application rate, 4-6 hours. On an overcast, 65 degree day with no wind and a higher application rate 12-24 hours. Once the application is applied a minimum of 24 hours is recommended before placing traffic back on the surface.
May I paint directly after applying RejuvaSeal?
No, the material will need time to cure out prior to applying paint to the surface. Minimum of 24 hours is recommended.
Is friction maintained on runways and high speed areas after application?
On average there is a 15% to 20% reduction in friction values after the initial application, but over the next 30 days the friction values will return to their previous MU values.
What is the best time to apply RejuvaSeal to asphalt?
Ideally at the 1-7 year life cycle of the asphalt, the sooner the RejuvaSeal is applied to the asphalt the sooner RejuvaSeal can start to preserve and protect the asphalt from weathering, oxidation and degradation.
What is the application rate of RejuvaSeal?
RejuvaSeal is a single application that varies from .05 gallons per SY to .085 gallons per SY, depending on the asphalt.
Is there anytime in the asphalt life cycle that RejuvaSeal should not be applied?
RejuvaSeal should never be applied to asphalt less than 6 months old, preferably 1 year. RejuvaSeal is designed to reintroduce the natural oils back into the asphalt binder that is lost during the oxidation process. Applying RejuvaSeal prior to this loss can potentially over saturate the asphalt binder and cause premature degradation. On the same note, there is a time at the end of the life cycle were the asphalt binder is too far gone to give any beneficial treatment. Every asphalt needs to be evaluated prior to the application of RejuvaSeal.
Can I request a sample of RejuvaSeal?
Yes, you can request a 1 gallon or 5 gallon sample by Contacting Us
Can anyone order RejuvaSeal?
No, RejuvaSeal cannot be purchased by just anyone. Only certified applicators and distributors can purchase RejuvaSeal. If you are interested in becoming a certified applicator or distributor please fill out our DISTRIBUTOR FORM and a representative will get back to you.